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snippet: 2010 Orthophotography - 12" countywide & 6" City of Fond du Lac.
summary: 2010 Orthophotography - 12" countywide & 6" City of Fond du Lac.
extent: [[-88.9057397417833,43.5027171788061],[-88.1430173832634,43.9757130677579]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The main component of this project is the development and delivery of a high resolution orthophotography dataset for Fond du Lac County, WI. The countywide 12" imagery was acquired 3/29/2010 and 4/14/2010. The surrounding City of Fond du Lac 6" imagery was acquired on 4/13/2010. Digital aerial photography was acquired during the spring of 2010 suitable for the production of color orthophotography at a 12-inch ground pixel resolution. The photography will be obtained during leaf off conditions and when there is no snow on the ground. Control for the project was collected using Airborne Global Positioning System (ABGPS), and ground-based GPS technology. The horizontal and vertical coordinates is referenced to the County coordinate system (NAD83 in Feet) and NAVD88. PLSS quad-section tiled 12-inch resolution digital orthophotography was developed for 1"= 200' scale mapping for the entire county. Orthophotography was provided in color bandwidths (RGB). There is a separate 6-inch ground pixel resolution orthoimagery dataset for 44.5 square miles surrounding the City of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The orthophotography will meet ASPRS standards for the appropriate mapping scale.
title: 2010_Ortho
type: Map Service
tags: ["2010"]
culture: en-US
name: 2010_Ortho
guid: 573470ED-FF60-4794-9710-94E53CE7115D
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_WISCRS_Fond_du_Lac_County_Feet