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Service Description: In the spring of 2005, 1"=1666' scale black and white aerial photography was acquired for Fond du Lac County. This project was part of the 2005 Wisconsin Regional Mapping Initiative. This orthophoto image is part of the Fond du Lac County digital orthophotography dataset. The digital orthophotography was prepared from the 1"=1666' scale aerial photography and rectified to the County's existing DTM (which was prepared through stereo compilation in 2000 by Ayres Associates). Photography captured 4/25/2005 and 5/4/2005. Horizontal positional accuracy Map data compiled to meet 1"=200' scale National Mapping Accuracy Standards.
In the spring of 2005, color aerial photography was acquired for the City of Fond du Lac suitable for the production of color orthophotography at a 3-inch ground pixel resolution. This orthophoto image is part of the Fond du Lac County digital orthophotography dataset. Imagery was captured April 2005.
All other urban areas were captured at 6" resolution.
Map Name: 2005_Ortho
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Description: In the spring of 2005, 1"=1666' scale black and white aerial photography was acquired for Fond du Lac County. This project was part of the 2005 Wisconsin Regional Mapping Initiative. This orthophoto image is part of the Fond du Lac County digital orthophotography dataset. The digital orthophotography was prepared from the 1"=1666' scale aerial photography and rectified to the County's existing DTM (which was prepared through stereo compilation in 2000 by Ayres Associates). Photography captured 4/25/2005 and 5/4/2005. Horizontal positional accuracy Map data compiled to meet 1"=200' scale National Mapping Accuracy Standards.
In the spring of 2005, color aerial photography was acquired for the City of Fond du Lac suitable for the production of color orthophotography at a 3-inch ground pixel resolution. This orthophoto image is part of the Fond du Lac County digital orthophotography dataset. Imagery was captured April 2005.
All other urban areas were captured at 6" resolution.
Service Item Id: 6f61eefcafe94e719d1a8b3054e87f43
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
- Height: 256
- Width: 256
- DPI: 96
Levels of Detail: 13
- Format: JPEG
- Compression Quality: 90.0
- Origin: X: 670296.0
Y: 466424.0
- Spatial Reference: 103419
Initial Extent:
XMin: 796724.0000061605
YMin: 367442.1250030654
XMax: 837661.5000061605
YMax: 396973.3750030654
Spatial Reference: 103419
Full Extent:
XMin: 700269.000008975
YMin: 299700.0000051747
XMax: 893679.0000402816
YMax: 444653.00000095594
Spatial Reference: 103419
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Layers
Comments: In the spring of 2005, 1"=1666' scale black and white aerial photography was acquired for Fond du Lac County. This project was part of the 2005 Wisconsin Regional Mapping Initiative. This orthophoto image is part of the Fond du Lac County digital orthophotography dataset. The digital orthophotography was prepared from the 1"=1666' scale aerial photography and rectified to the County's existing DTM (which was prepared through stereo compilation in 2000 by Ayres Associates). Photography captured 4/25/2005 and 5/4/2005. Horizontal positional accuracy Map data compiled to meet 1"=200' scale National Mapping Accuracy Standards.
In the spring of 2005, color aerial photography was acquired for the City of Fond du Lac suitable for the production of color orthophotography at a 3-inch ground pixel resolution. This orthophoto image is part of the Fond du Lac County digital orthophotography dataset. Imagery was captured April 2005.
All other urban areas were captured at 6" resolution.
Subject: 2005 Orthophotography - 12" Countywide, 3" City of Fond du Lac, 6" All other urban areas
Keywords: 2005
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 260000
Max Scale: 600
Max LOD: 12
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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